A plant functional group, or PFG, is “a set of
representative species [that] is classified based on key biological
characteristics, to determine groups of species sharing ecological
strategies” (Boulangeat,
RFate is a R
package available on github and designed to
provide support functions to the FATE software.
It contains documentation and functions to create and organize all
input files required by the model, and building PFG is
the first step to run a FATE simulation. The procedure
presented below is based on RFate functions.
with either Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or Species
Distribution Models (SDM)
Option 1: Principal Component analysis
Gather environmental data for the studied area
Compute PCA over environment to create a
climatic/habitat space
Calculate the density of each species within this
climatic/habitat space from the PCA
For each pair of species, compute the overlap of
the 2 considered species within the climatic/habitat space
Option 2: Species Distribution Models
Gather environmental data for the studied area
For each dominant species, compute a species distribution
model (SDM)
combining environmental data and occurrences to determine the
climatic/habitat niche of the species
With these SDMs, calculate the niche overlap of
each pair of species
Gather traits data for all dominant species within
the studied area
(traits need to be related to fundamental process of growth : light
tolerance, dispersal, height…)
Compute dissimilarity distances between pairs of
species based on these traits and taking also into account the overlap
of the 2 species within the climatic/habitat space (see
previous step)
For further details about the data, please refer toBoulangeat,
4. Clustering of species
using the dissimilarity distances from previous step