DatasetsUsed in the examples. |
Load a dataset |
InterfaceGraphical User Interface (shiny application) |
Shiny application to apply |
Build Plant Functional GroupsFunctions to select dominant species, compute functional distance between species and build clusters. |
Transform Braun-Blanquet values into relative abundances |
Selection of dominant species from abundance releves |
Computation of distances between species based on traits and niche overlap |
Computation of niche overlap distances between species |
Computation of traits distances between species |
Combine several dissimilarity distance matrices |
Create clusters based on dissimilarity matrix |
Choose clusters and select determinant species |
Calculate PFG traits values based on determinant species traits values |
Create FATE parameter filesCreate user-friendly directory tree, parameter and simulation files for FATE simulation. |
Create the skeleton folder for a |
Create SUCCESSION parameter files for a |
Create LIGHT parameter files for a |
Create SOIL parameter files for a |
Create DISPERSAL parameter files for a |
Create DISTURBANCE parameter files for a |
Create DROUGHT parameter files for a |
Create SCENARIO parameter files for a |
Create SAVE parameter files for a |
Create Global_parameters parameter file for a |
Create Simul_parameters parameter file for a |
Create multiple set(s) of parameter files for a |
Run FATE simulation |
FATE Wrapper |
Analyze FATE outputsEvalute predicted maps, produce summary and dynamic graphics. |
Create all possible graphical representations for a |
Create tables of pixel temporal evolution of PFG abundances (and light and soil resources if activated) for a |
Create a graphical representation of the evolution of PFG coverage and abundance through time for a |
Create a graphical representation of the evolution of PFG abundance through time for 5 (or more) pixels of a |
Create a graphical representation of the evolution of habitat composition through time for a |
Create relative abundance maps for each Plant Functional Group for one (or several) specific year of a |
Create a graphical representation of several statistics for each PFG to asses the quality of the model for one (or several) specific year of a |
Create binary maps for each Plant Functional Group for one (or several) specific year of a |
Create maps of both habitat suitability and simulated occurrences of each Plant Functional Group for one (or several) specific year of a |
Create a map related to plant functional group results (richness, relative cover, light or soil CWM) for one (or several) specific year of a |
Save FATE simulation |
Save data to reproduce building of Plant Functional Groups |
Save data to reproduce building of parameter files |
Tool boxUtility functions. |
Find operating system of your computer |
Extract parameter value(s) from a parameter file |
Replace parameter value(s) from a parameter file |
Replace a pattern with a new within all parameter files of a |
Adapt all raster maps of a |
Upscale / downscale / crop all raster maps of a |
Find cutoff to transform abundance values into binary values |
Compress ( |