A. Evolution of simulation through time

B. Relative / binary maps & Evaluation of outputs

  • Create relative abundance maps : transform absolute abundance maps into relative abundance maps
    with the function POST_FATE.relativeAbund

  • Validation statistics : calculate evaluation metrics (TSS, AUC) for each PFG
    with the function POST_FATE.graphic_validationStatistics

  • Create binary maps : transform relative abundance maps into presence / absence maps
    with the function POST_FATE.binaryMaps

  • PFG outputs vs Habitat suitability : compare binary maps (outputs) with habitat suitability maps (inputs)
    with the function POST_FATE.graphic_mapPFGvsHS

C. Visualization of outputs

  • PFG cover / richness / light CWM / soil CWM :
    with the function POST_FATE.graphic_mapPFG
    • create map of PFG abundance above 1.5 meters within each pixel
    • create map of number of PFG alive within each pixel
    • create map of light community weighted mean within each pixel
    • create map of soil community weighted mean within each pixel