A. Evolution of simulation through time
Create temporal evolution table : retrieve PFG
pixel abundance (as well as light and soil resources) through time
with the function POST_FATE.temporalEvolution
Abundance over all studied area : with the function POST_FATE.graphic_evolutionCoverage
Abundance / light / soil within some pixels : with the function POST_FATE.graphic_evolutionPixels
Habitat composition stability over all studied area : with the function POST_FATE.graphic_evolutionStability
B. Relative / binary maps & Evaluation of outputs
Create relative abundance maps : transform
absolute abundance maps into relative abundance maps
with the function POST_FATE.relativeAbund
Validation statistics : calculate evaluation
metrics (TSS, AUC) for each PFG
with the function POST_FATE.graphic_validationStatistics
Create binary maps : transform relative
abundance maps into presence / absence maps
with the function POST_FATE.binaryMaps
PFG outputs vs Habitat suitability : compare
binary maps (outputs) with habitat suitability maps (inputs)
with the function POST_FATE.graphic_mapPFGvsHS
C. Visualization of outputs