Origins (FATE / LAMOS / BioMove)

Moore & Noble 1990 Journal of Environmental Management Midgley 2010 Ecography

  • Moore A. D. and Noble I. R. (1990), An individualistic model of vegetation stand dynamics.

  • Lavorel S., Davies I. D. and Noble I. R. (2000). LAMOS: a landscape modelling shell. Landscape Fire Modeling-Challenges and Opportunities. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 25-28.

  • Midgley G. F., Davies I. D., Albert C. H., Altwegg R., Hannah L., Hughes G. O., O’Halloran L. R., Seo C., Thorne J. H. and Thuiller W. (2010), BioMove – an integrated platform simulating the dynamic response of species to environmental change. Ecography, 33: 612-616.


FATE model

Boulangeat 2012 Global Change Biology (PAPER) Boulangeat 2014 Global Change Biology (PAPER)



Boulangeat 2014 Ecography Barros 2016 Ecology Letters (PAPER) Barros 2017 Journal of Applied Ecology (PAPER) Barros 2018 Plos One (PAPER) Carboni 2017 Global Change Biology (PAPER) Thuiller 2017 Diversity Distributions (PAPER)

  • Boulangeat I., Georges D., Dentant C., Bonet R., Van Es J., Abdulhak S., Zimmermann N. E. and Thuiller W. (2014), Anticipating the spatio‐temporal response of plant diversity and vegetation structure to climate and land use change in a protected area. Ecography, 37: 1230-1239.

  • Barros C., Thuiller W., Georges D., Boulangeat I., Münkemüller T. and Bellwood D. (2016), N‐dimensional hypervolumes to study stability of complex ecosystems. Ecol Lett, 19: 729-742.
    Paper    Supplementary Material

  • Barros C., Guéguen M., Douzet R., Carboni M., Boulangeat I., Zimmermann N. E., Münkemüller T., Thuiller W. and Mori A. (2017), Extreme climate events counteract the effects of climate and land‐use changes in Alpine tree lines. J Appl Ecol, 54: 39-50.
    Paper    Supplementary Material

  • Barros C., Thuiller W. and Münkemüller T. (2018), Drought effects on the stability of forest-grassland ecotones under gradual climate change. PLoS ONE 13(10): e0206138.
    Paper    Supplementary Material

  • Carboni M., Guéguen M., Barros C., Georges D., Boulangeat I., Douzet R., Klonner G., Van Kleunen M., Essl F., Bossdorf O., Haeuser E., Talluto M. V., Moser D., Block S., Conti L., Dullinger I., Münkemüller T. and Thuiller W. (2018). Simulating plant invasion dynamics in mountain ecosystems under global change scenarios. Glob Change Biol, 24:e289–e302.
    Paper    Supplementary Material

  • Thuiller W, Guéguen M, Bison M, et al (2018). Combining point‐process and landscape vegetation models to predict large herbivore distributions in space and time—A case study of Rupicapra rupicapra. Divers Distrib, 24:352–362.
    Paper    Supplementary Material