This script is designed to create a parameter file containing simulation years at which the FATE software must save rasters of PFG abundances (as well as light and soil resources if these modules are activated) and/or simulation objects.

  years.maps = NULL,
  years.objects = NULL, = NULL



a string corresponding to the main directory or simulation name of the FATE simulation


a vector of simulation years at which PFG abundance maps will be saved
(as well as maps of light and soil resources if these modules are activated)


a vector of simulation years at which FATE simulation state will be saved

a string corresponding to the name of the folder that will be created into the name.simulation/DATA/SAVE/ directory to store the results


Two .txt files into the name.simulation/DATA/SAVE/

directory :

  • SAVE_YEARS_maps.txt : one line for each simulation year for which the raster maps are to be saved

  • SAVE_YEARS_objects.txt : one line for each simulation year for which the FATE objects are to be saved

If the has been used, the files will be into the folder name.simulation/DATA/SAVE/


FATE software allows the user to save two different types of outputs :

Raster maps

PFG abundance maps can be saved for all specified simulation years.
It includes maps per PFG per strata (ABUND_perPFG_perStrata folder) and summary maps per PFG for all height strata combined (ABUND_perPFG_allStrata folder).
If the light and / or soil modules are activated (see PRE_FATE.params_globalParameters), maps for light and / or soil resources are also saved.
Raster format used is depending on input data format. It can be either .img or .tif.

Model objects

using BOOST library and its serialization functions, FATE is able to save a simulation at a specific time. This object allows the user to restart a simulation from this precise state by specifying its name within the Simul_parameters file with the SAVED_STATE flag (see PRE_FATE.params_simulParameters).


Maya Guéguen


## Create a skeleton folder with the default name ('FATE_simulation') ------------------------

## Create a SAVE_year_maps or/and SAVE_year_objects parameter file ---------------------------
PRE_FATE.params_savingYears(name.simulation = 'FATE_simulation'
                            , years.maps = c(100, 150, 200)
                            , years.objects = 200)